Formerly known as SAP France, APENGY is a company dedicated to helping its customers in the energy sector with their complex purchases (equipments, spares, chemicals).
Sourcing and Logistics experts in APENGY :
APENGY works as the exclusive distributor of number of selected manufacturers, and realizes sourcing operations where needed.
Our principles:
– Listen to your needs, be present by your side, and jointly seek solutions
– React quickly and professionally to deal with problems
– Always give priority to safety
Our skills:
– Understanding the Oil & Gas and Power Specifications
– Have a network of experts and partners
– Effectively manage purchases, inspections and shipments
Our organization:
– ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified
– Strong quality management culture
– Customer satisfaction oriented
Earth protection is worth the efforts of each one.
Let us together adopt the following measures, which are rather simple to implement :
APENGY has chosen the path to improve its own environmental impact and will work as a priority with actors who think and act likewise.
We gladly share our environmental policy with anybody asking for it.