Legal considerations and privacy policy

Who are we ?

APENGY is the owner of this site.

APENGY is incorporated in Paris, France, under the number 819 366 451.

Its address is : 2 rue du Bouloi, 75001 Paris, France.

The former name of APENGY is SAP France (Société d'Approvisionnement des Pétroliers). APENGY has no link and no common activity with the well known and appreciated SAP software company.


Confidentiality Notice

You will not be tracked by this site if you visit it.

This site is not using any cookies of any kind.

If you send us a message, we will keep the name, email and message you have sent us, the ip address and the browser type for a period of up to five years or so. We will not transmit your data to any third party.

Should we include videos of third parties (YouTube...), you might be targeted by their tracking systems and to their own benefits.